Healing and Restoration Testimonies

Glory Story: A young man in his early to mid 20s, who we've known for a couple of months, came into Room 118 yesterday. He was in pain from a fractured and possibly broken arm, resulting from a fight. His arm was swollen, red and immovable. Lots of pain too. The young man received prayer for his arm and within moments, his arm was completely restored. In disbelief, the young man moved his arm in every which way, marveled by the fact that all pain and redness were gone too. This physical healing, led to a prayer of repentance and then an expressed longing from the young man to be free from addiction to marijuana and have family relationships restored. "I'm tired of doing things my own way." "Tell Him, not me", he was instructed. No coaching needed. No repeat after me time. Just a young man whose full attention was on the One who met him in Room 118, by first healing his pained arm. When he was finished talking things over with God, he shared that he knew that something happened inside of him. He was reminded to move his arm. "The same God who just did this for you - also just forgave you for your sins and moved into your heart. When you doubt, move your arm." __________________________ (Jesus asked) Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'? Luke 5:23
Pastor Seth & Sandy - 5/2/2014
The name of Jesus Christ is mightier than ... alcoholism. God has been blowing us away lately by allowing us to see how He's setting captives free from this particular stronghold. Some have checked into rehab or began going to AA, some have developed a distaste for their beverage of choice, some have began experiencing becoming physically ill every time they drink alcohol - and some just stopped "cold turkey". As I reflected on this tonight, a common denominator among these folks occurred to me: They each expressed the desire to be free from alcoholism. They called it by it's name: alcoholism. Reminds me of how Jesus would sometimes ask someone, "What do you want me to do for you?" or "Do you want to be made whole?" A response was required. Responses ... in humility ... are received by the Lord, as mustard sized faith. That's enough for God to do what only He can do. When we rebuke spirits of alcoholism within folks in Jesus' name, we're simply coming into agreement with the one who is asking for help and the Helper. There's already an encounter happening on the inside which prompted the recognition for help in the first place. Jesus said He came to set the captives free. Freeing people from the bondage of alcoholism is one of many ways He's meeting folks right where they're at and clearly getting their attention. Then ... the conversation continues as the Spirit leads. How can our response not be: "More Jesus. More of You, please"?
Sandy - 5/2/2014
Recently I have seen and felt God's glorious powers at work. On Easter Sunday at The Bridge Church Easter services I was prayed over by one of God's children. Sandy, after hearing about my hip pain and upcoming surgery asked if she could pray over my hip and lay hands on me. With my new faith in God, I said yes. Sandy prayed to God in glory and (commanded) for my pain to be gone. While she was doing that I felt a warm sensation where her hand was on my hip and a tingling feeling went down my leg. When she finished and praised God, I no longer had pain in my hip that was causing me pain daily. To this day (4 days later) I have had no discomfort or sharp pains like I have had in the past year. I praise God for this great miracle and thank Sandy for her amazing faith in the Lord.
Michael S. - 4/24/2014
I'm on F-U-L-L right now. Spent the morning serving God's people with my brothers and sisters in Christ at Antelope Valley HopeontheGo. I really have no words to express how I feel. Just blessed beyond measure is all I can come up with. I set up a table and painted ladies' nails. Let me tell you, only 2 ladies I painted spoke English. The rest spoke Spanish, and a little English. It was absolutely amazing to see how God made it possible for us to communicate with each other. I know muy pequito espanol. But the Holy Spirit helped us to understand enough to enjoy each others company. The most amazing part of all was the prayers. After I finished each lady's nails I prayed with her. I knew they wouldn't understand everything I was saying, but my God would. As I began to pray in English, do you know that those ladies began to pray in Spanish. So in unison, we lifted our prayers to our Father in Heaven in our own languages. OMGosh!!! Really the most powerful thing I've experienced in a very long time. I can't wait to go back. I can't wait to see my new friends and paint more nails. It's really a small thing, but if it makes 1 person happy, then it's worth it. There was one lady at the end who I didn't get to paint because everyone was leaving and I needed to pack up. She was so nice and sat there so patiently. Please God, please send her back next week. I want to see her again and paint her nails. Please send her back. Thank you Antelope Valley HopeontheGo for the opportunity to serve with you. You are a blessing!!!
Anita M. - 1/22/2012
Pastors Seth And Sandy, and all the volunteers, are truly blessed by God. Good Works, by faith, are compelled because of our gratitude for God's Grace. We know we don't deserve Grace, but God so loved the world.....
Robert B. - 12/24/2011